This article will take a closer look at the global home short-term rental revolution, why so many community schemes in South Africa are fighting to stop it and why their…
This article will focus on the role played by the Community Schemes Ombud Service (“the Service”) in regulating, monitoring and controlling community scheme governance documentation. In terms of section 4(1)(c)…
Renting out a sectional title parking bay Topic: The legal nature of “ownership” of parking in sectional title Date: 1 September 2019 Interviewer: Africa Melane on 567 CapeTalk radio station During this interview,…
The first lesson of economics is scarcity, there is never enough of anything to fully satisfy all those who want it, which is why one of the most valuable additions…
One of the most important reasons for the establishment of the CSOS is to provide a cost effective dispute resolution mechanism to community schemes. Although there have been a number…
The Community Schemes Ombud Services Act (“the CSOS Act”) states that upon receiving an application, an ombud may require the applicant to provide evidence that an internal dispute resolution mechanism…
“The members of my body corporate took a decision at our annual general meeting, held on 10 April 2019, which I believe is unreasonable and I would like to oppose…
The procedure to be followed to appeal a CSOS adjudicator’s order is not one for which provision is made in terms of the rules of court, and no procedure has…
I have come across many absurd scheme governance rules over the years, but one in particular is an outdated apartheid-style rule relating to domestic employees and the various restrictions placed…
On 13 August 2019 the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) announced that from 1 January 2020 it will be mandatory for all companies to complete a Compliance Checklist before…