Originally published on Paddocks By Ané de Klerk Having worked closely with countless trustees over the past 4 years, I can confidently say that most of them have one thing…
On the 19th January 2021, Auren Freitas dos Santos - founder of The Advisory - featured as the guest speaker on the Private Property podcast. The podcast gives a clear…
As published on Paddocks. Specialist Community Scheme Attorney (BA (Law) LLB)Ané de Klerk One of the more frequently complained about aspects of sectional title management is the unauthorised spending of…
As published on Property24 The minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, Thoko Didiza, recently published the Sectional Titles Amendment Bill, 2020, which she intends on presenting to Parliament…
Community schemes across the country breathe a huge sigh of relief, following the judgment handed down by the Supreme Court of Appeal (“SCA”) on 28 March 2019, in Mount Edgecombe Country…
This article will focus on the role played by the Community Schemes Ombud Service (“the Service”) in regulating, monitoring and controlling community scheme governance documentation. In terms of section 4(1)(c)…
“The members of my body corporate took a decision at our annual general meeting, held on 10 April 2019, which I believe is unreasonable and I would like to oppose…
I have come across many absurd scheme governance rules over the years, but one in particular is an outdated apartheid-style rule relating to domestic employees and the various restrictions placed…
On 13 August 2019 the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) announced that from 1 January 2020 it will be mandatory for all companies to complete a Compliance Checklist before…