By Auren Freitas dos Santos Serving as a trustee in a sectional title scheme is often a thankless task. Many trustees juggle late-night calls about malfunctioning lifts or loud parties,…
By Auren Freitas dos Santos In this article, we'll explore a notable judgment from the High Court of South Africa, Kwazulu-Natal Division. This case involves a sectional title owner (the…
By Ané de Klerk While the regulations to the Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act (“the Act”) set out the prescribed minimum amounts that trustees are obliged to levy from members…
By Auren Freitas dos Santos In an important judgment by the Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa, delivered on 2 November 2023, the court scrutinised the interpretation of section…
By Ané de Klerk In this final installment of our three part series, we will take a closer look at finances and dispute resolution in the sectional title context. Missed…
By Auren Freitas dos Santos A reserve fund is an essential aspect of body corporate management. It is a fund that is set aside to cover the costs of major…
By Ané de Klerk While most bodies corporate now appear to have a good understanding of what a Maintenance, Repair and Replacement Plan is, what information should be included in…
By Auren Freitas dos Santos The primary function of the reserve fund established and maintained in terms of section 3(1)(b) of the Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act is to be…